Diegueño Middle School
Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA)
Diegueño’s PTSA connects parents/guardians, teachers and students to support your child's educational path & build their community together.
Bookmark this page and return for updates regarding PTSA Events, Volunteer Opportunites and more!

Diegueño started the No Place for Hate initiative, and once our school completes three activities and a reflection, Diegueño will be a designated No Place for Hate school by the end of the 2024/25 school year!
Diegueño's goal is to provide safe, engaging, and inclusive classrooms and activities for all students. We want every student to feel valued and respected!
Please review the No Place for Hate Video and Pledge.
Meet Principal Mendoza & PTSA President Staci Valdez!
As this school year comes to a close, I want to thank all of you who joined our PTSA this year.
EVERY. SINGLE. STUDENT benefitted from your support. With record-setting membership numbers (with only 40% of our families participating), here is just a few highlights of what we were able to do:
Install shade umbrellas at every outdoor table.
With the support of a private donor, we were able to match our district’s contribution for a permanent shade structure for P.E. This is being installed in the Fall.
We created budget line items for:
Student Support Services
Multi-Language Learner Hospitality
Electives Classes
We purchased Basketball Jerseys for our Basketball Teams.
PE got ALL new Pickleball nets, paddles, and balls.
Our entire staff & student community participated in the Holocaust Remembrance PERMANENT Art Installation “The Butterfly Project.”
With the help of another private donor, we created & furnished the “BEST ROOM EVER” – a private space for group meetings & hangouts for students first.
We worked closely with ASB (Associated Student Body), investing in campus branding & beautification, with the purchase of our light up DÑO letters for community events & our fence décor that greets students, staff & visitors with our DIEGUEÑO school spirit.
Every single classroom got a MINI-GRANT for enriched curriculum, materials & supplies that goes beyond what public funding can provide.
We purchased scripts & music books for Drama & Band.
With our new Cougar Hall, we improved our ability to host performances there. We now have enhanced stage capabilities with student-run lighting, pipe & drape wings, digital backgrounds, and stage furniture.
We have new powerful portable speakers for community events, as well as staff & student fun during the school day.
Our Yearbook team has new refurbished cameras.
We threw a few staff parties to celebrate all they do for our families. Staff Appreciation lunches, New Student meet & greets, Multi-Language Learner/ELAC gatherings, and small holiday celebrations.
Our counseling center got supplies for group projects like friendship bracelets, gingerbread houses, and prizes.
We provided anonymous field trip scholarships for students & families in need.
We hosted a successful and engaging Red Ribbon Week.
We provided healthy snacks for ALL students during CAASPP testing weeks.
We partnered with two GENEROUS Diegueño families in their vision to host inaugural fundraising events for our school: Poker Night & 90s Night. Combined these events raised over $17,000!
Finally, we put on 8th Grade Promotion with an upgrade in sound & décor, to create a more special feeling for this short ceremony that marks an important time in our kids’ lives. On to high school!
This is ALL because of YOUR support. Our hope is that our students & staff always feel supported & included when they are here. We hope their two years at Diegueño are filled with feelings of belonging & purpose and we can carry these traditions on to future DÑO students.
I know I also speak for your PTSA Executive Board when I say we are so proud & honored to have served this community and I personally can’t wait to do it again this year.
I hope those of you who are returning will join me in whatever capacity you can!
Staci Valdez
DÑO Parent (8th Grader)
PTSA President

You have a tremendous opportunity to make an impact on your child's education!
Support Diegueño Middle School's PTSA.
Make your donation & join today.

Why Join and Donate?
There is NO EEF (Encinitas Educational Foundation) request - just PTSA.
Our students need YOU to invest in their success by funding Academic Classroom Support in the form of TEACHER MINI-GRANTS & classroom supplies for their evolving educational needs.
Our goal is at 85% participation for the school year. PTSA funds DIRECTLY BENEFIT 100% of students.
ASB (Associated Student Body) spending is limited to student-led activities so we can support them if we meet our goal. ASB is like student government & they plan cool events.
Where Does My Money Go?
Every contribution directly benefits DÑO students and makes our campus a fun, connecting place.
Academic Enrichment
Mini Grants
Classroom Supplies for Teachers
Campus Beautification
Campus Environment
Connectedness and Safety
Parent and Student Speakers
Internet Safety
Drug/Alcohol Awareness
Stress Management
Student Clubs
PE Enrichment
Career Day
Back to School Night
Staff Appreciation
Red Ribbon Week
Art Enrichment
Geography Bee
Funding Field Trips
What Are the Membership Levels?
Please consider these recommended & incentivized amounts:
Cougar Benefactor: $2,000+
All below incentives AND a permanent name plaque on campus. Advertising also available. Please contact stacilaw@gmail.com for details.
Diamond Sponsor: $750
All below incentives AND VIP Bike Parking (limited available).
Platinum Sponsor: $500
All below incentives AND VIP Seating and Parking at 8th Grade Promotion.
Donation of Your Choosing
Can you give more than a Dollar a Day? You choose the amount!
Dollar a Day: $180
Access to the DÑO Family Directory plus a DÑO Spirit Store discount.
Basic Support: $60
Access to the DÑO Family Directory.
All Membership Levels give you access to the DÑO Family Directory.
Payment Plans Available! Choose the full balance now or pay over 3 months.
We are thankful for any donation amount.
Scholarships are also available - contact the front office.
We offer CORPORATE MATCH donations and can work directly with your employer to facilitate, if needed.
Email stacilaw@gmail.com with any questions.